Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of in-home personal training programs?
Each session is pre-planned and action-packed to make the most of your time.
2. Privacy. The atmosphere at traditional health clubs can sometimes be overwhelming and uncomfortable. I understand this concern, so client privacy and confidentiality is respected at all times.
3. No intimidation. Fitness facilities can often be intimidating especially for new people. There are machines, cardio equipment, cable machines, free weights, and fit people everywhere. Nobody wants to feel inferior because they don’t know how to adjust the equipment or how to do the exercises properly. Feeling out of place and worrying about what others are thinking can affect both your frame of mind and the quality of your workout. As we work together, I will help to educate you about your muscles and various exercises in your comfort element. As your program progresses you will feel more confidant, positive, and comfortable with exercise!
4. You have a gym membership, but you never go. Sometimes the hardest part about establishing an exercise routine is actually getting to the gym. In-home personal training eliminates your excuses about why you missed a workout.
5. You have the equipment – you just aren’t sure what to do with it! You might be one of the many who use your in-home universal gym to hang drying laundry. I will show you how to use all of your existing exercise equipment and I will work to empower you to have the confidence and determination to continue with
your program on your own.
Why should you hire a personal trainer?
home assistants and more. A personal trainer would be a valued member of that life team, ensuring you keep your physical health and well being in tune.
Other reasons to hire a personal trainer:
1. Motivation. Your sessions are pre-planned and I am ready and eager to get you moving. During our time together, I will help you to remain focused, stay on track, and successfully complete your workout.
2. Accountability. I want you to succeed. With so much time and energy invested in your success, I will expect you to put forth a good effort and to perform to the best of your ability. I understand if you’re not feeling 100% each time we work out together, but I still want you to try your very best.
3. Safety. Trying to do too much too soon can cause injuries and timely setbacks. By creating a
safe and effective individualized program, I will direct your progression and observe each exercise closely to ensure proper biomechanical principles are being followed, thus minimizing the risk of injury.
4. Learn proper exercise technique. I will work with you to educate you about your body and its response to exercise. This is important because it will allow you to recognize (and avoid) movements that are more likely to cause injury, and you will learn how to incorporate a successful exercise program into your daily routine.
5. Maximize your rate of progression. All too often, people arrive at the gym with no plan in mind and randomly decide what exercises to perform. This is both ineffective and waste of time. I will closely monitor your development, select the proper exercises and make adjustments to your program to maximize your rate of progression.