5 Common reasons why your workout has gone on holiday! Part 3/5
“No Motivation”
You know that you should exercise, but you can’t seem to get off the couch and actually do it. What gives?
Sometimes we just don’t feel like exercising. On these hard days, you need something to motivate you to get off the couch when your body is trying to convince you to sit and watch T.V. Everyone’s motivation is different. Losing weight, being competitive, or wanting to get healthy are just some of the things that can motivate people. What motivates you?
Think about your own reason for exercising and set some short and long-term goals. You will need both types of goals because the short-term goals keep you on track for the long-term goals. A short-term goal could be something as small as going for a walk three times each week. A long-term goal could be losing 10 pounds. When you’re feeling especially tired think about achieving these goals as motivation to get off the couch. Try to remember how good you felt about yourself when you last went for a walk or went to the gym.
Tips to help you stay motivated:
1. Make it a habit
Write it into your calendar. If you don’t have a regular schedule, spend a little bit of time on the weekend previewing the week ahead and figure out how to fit in your exercise. Morning workouts can be easier than the evenings because the kids are still in bed and there are usually less distractions at this time. Also if you workout in the morning, you can relax in the evening knowing that you’ve already been active for that day.
2. Exercise with a friend
You are more likely to get out of bed and work out when you know you have someone waiting for you. Chatting with a friend can be a great distraction when you’re walking up a steep hill or going for a run. If none of your friends can exercise with you, consider going to a fitness class. You’ll feel better exercising with other people and you’ll make some new friends!
3.Get competitive
Get a piece of equipment, like a pedometer, that allows you to monitor your progress. Each time you go out for a walk try to beat the number of steps that you did the last time you went for a walk. You could also walk or run the same distance and time yourself. Try to beat that time every time you go out. This is a good short-term goal and it’s an instant reward when you succeed.
4.Reward yourself
Give yourself a reward for exercising. This could be a hot bath afterwards, going to a movie, or buying a new pair of jeans. Just try not to have any food based rewards, so that you don’t erase all of your hard work!
5. Talk about it
You could keep yourself more accountable to your workouts by telling people your goals. This allows people to ask you about your progress, you’ll get some support, and then when you achieve those goals you’ll get to share it with others. You might even find that other people have the same goals as you and that might even come to you for advice. Exercise can be also contagious! Once one friend or coworker starts getting into shape other friends and coworkers are likely to follow.
6. Get help
If you don’t know what you should do to exercise or even how to start, get some help. You could ask a friend for advice, hire a personal trainer, or join a bootcamp.
7. Listen to music
Everything is better when you’re listening to your favourite song! I always listen to music when I’m driving, cleaning the house, and exercising! It makes it fun and the time just flies by!
8. Avoid boredom
If you always do the same thing, you’ll get bored and you won’t want to exercise anymore. Keep your workouts fresh by trying new things. If you walk, try a new route or try running your old route. You could also try a new piece of equipment at the gym, go hiking with a friend, or take a dance class.